Named the Queens county in the sixteenth century and renamed Laois after the War of Independance in 1922 in honour of legendary warriors. Laois is the only county that does not border with another county touching the sea. It is largly raised bog, highlands rivers.
A historic ramble through Port Laoise willl bring the visitor up to speed on the development of Laois' largest town. The Slieve Margy Way walker routeis for both the serious and casual walker. It links to other routes, The Slieve Bloom Way, The Barrow way and The South Leinster Way. The route offers everything forests, very scenic views, rivers with fishing and boating, monasteries, churches, castles and a bronze age stone circle.
Laois is home to many small market towns. The Maryborough Heath is one of Irelands most important archeological sites. Emo Court and Gardens hosts one of the finest georgian houses in the country. A most beautiful area is the Castlecomber Plateau region. Laois' main rivers are the Barrow and the Nore. The Heywood Gardens in Ballinakill and the Rock of Dunamase are well worth a visit.